Prabhupada Letters :: 1965
a.c. bhaktivedanta swami

25 Sept 2009
JOURNAL: Saturday, September 25  

Today I have sent letter to Captain Arun Pandiya.

letters | 04:04 |

22 Sept 2009
September 22, 1965  

Ambassador of Bhakti Yoga

A slighly brown man in faded orange drapes wearing white bathing shoes stepped out of a compact car yesterday and into the Butler YMCA to attend a meeting. He is A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swamiji, a messenger from India to the peoples of the West.

'My mission is to revive people's God-consciousness,' says the Swamiji. 'God is the father of all living beings, in thousands of different forms," he explains. 'Human life is a stage of perfection in evolution; if we miss the message, back we go through the process again.'

He believes that the highest possible state will be to go to God, or eternal life.

[From the Butler Eagle newspaper, September 22, 1965]

letters | 03:57 |
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1965 letters
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